How to Stimulate My Hair Follicles for Better Hair Growth?

As we all know, hair is an important part of how we look, and regardless of its color, style, and length, what matters most is how healthy it is. In this blog, you will learn more about your hair and how to stimulate its growth naturally to boost its strength, length, and health.

How Does Hair Grow?

To understand hair growth, you need to know the structure of your hair. Hair is made of keratin, a protein comprising multi-layers of flat cells, forming each hair shaft. Each hair shaft grows from hair follicles on your dermis, which anchors your hair to the scalp. Those hair shafts can grow to form thick and long terminal hair or delicate and short vellus hair. Whenever we discuss hair growth and hair care, we are primarily concerned with terminal hair.

See Also: 17 Ways to Stimulate Hair Growth for Men

Hair Growth Cycle

The hair growth cycle consists of three phases which are namely anagen, catagen, and telogen.

  • In the anagen phase, you can see your hair growing. The cells in your hair follicle divide rapidly, generating new hair. About 90% of your hair is presently at this phase. The anagen phase can extend from 2 to 7 years, depending upon genetic factors.
  • The catagen phase is much shorter compared to the anagen phase and lasts around 2-3 weeks. It’s considered a transitional phase where hair discontinues growing and isolates itself from the blood supply, triggering the formation of club hair.
  • In the telogen phase, club hair rests in the hair root while new hair grows underneath it. After about three months, the club hair will fall out, letting the new hair strands come out from the hair follicle.

How to Stimulate Natural Hair Growth?

Even though you cannot change factors such as age and genetics that have an effect on your hair, here are some tips that will help to keep your hair in the anagen phase for longer durations.

1. Massage Your Scalp Frequently

Apart from helping to improve your hair thickness and growth, scalp massages are an excellent way to relieve stress and tension.

2. Get Frequent Trims

Frequent haircuts help get rid of split ends that can lead to losing the length, volume, shine, and smoothness of your hair.

3. Avoid Chemical Treatments

Using any chemicals such as bleach or dye can hinder your natural hair growth. Chemical use on your hair should be limited and used cautiously.

4. Brush Your Hair Frequently

Brushing your hair frequently helps distribute its natural oils all over the scalp and keeps its natural moisture. Additionally, it makes your scalp healthier by increasing its blood circulation.

5. Avoid Heat

Using heat to style or dry your hair can cause damage to your hair, leading to frizz, dryness, and breakage. If you have to, on special occasions or in a rush, then use it minimally and at reduced temperatures.

6. Use Less Shampoo

There is no need to over-wash your hair using shampoo as your hair can repair and hydrate itself with its natural oils. For most people, shampooing twice or thrice a week is enough.

7. Rinse Your Hair with Cool Water

Rinsing your hair with cool water helps to strengthen your hair, prevent excess oiliness, and also helps seal the hair cuticle. So, make sure you avoid high temperatures while doing hair rinses.

8. Handle Wet Hair Carefully

Remember that wet hair is more vulnerable to breaking and damage. To avoid this, use a brush that will be gentle on your hair when it’s wet.

9. Use Silk Pillowcases

A silk pillow is helpful to reduce breakage and tangles in your hair. You can switch your normal pillowcase with a silk one for better hair longevity.

See Also: Is PEP Factor an Alternative to PRP for Treating Hair Loss?

Impact of Your Lifestyle On Hair Growth

How you take care of your body also plays an important part in hair growth. For example, increasing your protein intake by consuming protein-rich foods can promote hair growth because hair follicles are mostly protein.

Foods to Avoid:

  • Sugar
  • Starchy white foods
  • Alcohol
  • Swordfish

Foods to Consume:

  • Eggs
  • Berries
  • Beans
  • Fatty fishes, shrimps, and oysters
  • Foods containing protein, vitamins E, A, and C,
  • Minerals such as omega-3 fatty acids, iron, and zinc,
  • Nuts and seeds
  • Spinach
  • Whole grains

If you want to stimulate hair follicles for hair growth, a hair specialist doctor in NJ can help you. If you face hair thinning problems, New Jersey Hair Restoration Center has different methods for hair restoration, including PRP therapy, FUE hair transplant, and FUT hair transplant to help you. Call us today or book an appointment with us today so that we can help you.

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