When Can I Color My Hair After A Hair Transplant Treatment?

Getting a hair transplant done can be a life-changing decision. A hair transplant not only restores your lost self-esteem but also boosts your morale and confidence, especially in a social setting. Deciding to undergo a hair transplant requires a lot of research and investment, so you want to make sure you carefully follow all your surgeon’s instructions before and after the surgery.

A hair transplant surgery uses either one of the two main methods, Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) or Follicular Unit Transplant (FUT). These methods have been used on millions across the globe and are proven to be safe and effective. Both FUE and FUT involve transplanting healthy hair follicles from the donor area onto the balding area. The surgeon makes tiny incisions on the recipient area, where the hair follicles are implanted. While FUE involves extracting individual hair follicles from the donor area, in FUT, an entire strip of scalp is extracted and further dissected into follicular grafts, which are then inserted into the incisions on the balding area.

After the surgery, some extent of scarring and scabbing is natural. You may also notice some swelling and experience mild discomfort. However, all of this will subside soon. Your implanted hair grafts will be very fragile during the initial few weeks, so you need to be extra cautious. In such cases, numerous questions may arise, one of them being, “When can I color my hair after a hair transplant?”

Coloring your hair after a hair transplant

After the surgery and healing process, when your hair begins to grow naturally, any grey hair that you usually dye will reappear and potentially dampen your new-found self-esteem. Thus, if you are wondering whether you can recolor your hair after a hair transplant, the answer is yes, you can. However, you should remember that your scalp is extremely sensitive and fragile after the surgery. Exposing it to harsh chemicals, bleaching agents, and peroxides might irritate the scalp and impair your newly implanted grafts, thereby hampering the recovery process and the transplanted hair quality. Therefore, it is advised to wait for about four to six weeks before dying or coloring your hair. Over this period, your scalp would have healed considerably, and the implants would be fixed firmly to the root.

How long to wait after a hair transplant surgery to color your hair

Our experts at the New Jersey Hair Restoration Center recommend that you wait at least six weeks after your hair transplant surgery before getting your hair colored. This will allow enough time for your scalp and grafts to heal. The healing process can vary from person to person, so you need to remain patient and wait it out. When you decide to color your hair, get a professional to do it. A professional will know which color suits your hair better and can safely dye your transplanted hair.

Does transplanted hair turn grey?

Whether or not transplanted hair turns grey will depend on the individual and their donor hair quality. The characteristics of your transplanted hair will be similar to your donor hair. So if your donor hair starts graying, your transplanted hair will begin to grey too.

Can you bleach transplanted hair?

Yes, you can bleach transplanted hair. However, it would be best to wait four to six weeks before you color or bleach your hair until your scalp has healed completely. The chemicals present in bleaching agents and peroxides can be harsh for the hair grafts and the scalp, especially when it is still recovering from the surgery.

Dos and Don’ts after hair transplant?

Some of the do’s post hair transplant surgeries include:

  • Keep your scalp dry.
  • Have someone drive you home after the surgery, as you will still be under a mild sedative.
  • Follow all post-surgery instructions given by your surgeon.
  • Keep your head elevated while sleeping for at least a week after the surgery.
  • Wash and comb your hair gently.

Some of the don’ts include:

  • Do not expose your scalp to the sunlight.
  • Avoid drinking and smoking.
  • Avoid any kind of sports or strenuous activity that may cause sweating.
  • Wait at least a month after the procedure before you dye your hair.
  • Do not scratch your scalp and avoid wearing a cap or hat for at least three days post-surgery.

Looking for the best hair transplant in New Jersey? At the New Jersey Hair Restoration Center, you can seek guidance and treatment options from some of the best hair transplant doctors in NJ.

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