Simple Tips to Prevent Hair Loss in the Stressful Holiday Season

The change in season can impact our hair and cause undesirable seasonal hair loss. Changing temperatures stress the scalp and hair follicles resulting in prolonged loss of hair.
Unexpected hair loss is widespread and affects more than 6.8 million Americans, and so many people are seeking the right hair loss treatment with urgency.

Here is the guide to help you learn the untold causes and treatments for hair loss and make the best decision in time!

Simple Tips to Prevent Hair Loss in the Stressful Holiday Season

The holiday season can be taxing and stressful, requiring more of your attention toward hair health. Telogen effluvium (TE), another name for stress-induced hair loss, occurs after a severely stressful time or incident.
Below are the tips to help you overcome your hair loss problems and make the right choice with a hair specialist in Freehold, NJ.

1. Up Your Protein Consumption

During the holiday season, you might not have the time to take enough protein daily, which can affect hair development. You must never disregard your body’s daily requirement of 40 to 60 grams of protein. Adequate protein consumption leads to the growth and regeneration of hair and serves as a natural hair-loss treatment.

2. Take Charge of Your Holiday Stress

Finding effective stress reduction strategies is crucial year-round for various health benefits besides hair loss. Try to take regular pauses from your busy schedule to take care of yourself. Maintain your regular exercise routine and make some time for reading, relaxation, and quiet reflection, while also occasionally turning off your electronics. These easy changes can reduce stress and combat seasonal hair loss.

3. Uphold Proper Hair and Scalp Care

Do not expose your hair to severe procedures like bleaching, hair color, or heating tools. Harsh chemical-infused hair loss treatments and hairstyles like braids or tight ponytails may also affect your hair. Cleansing your hair and scalp frequently with mild shampoos and expert-recommended products can help keep your scalp healthy.

See Also: 5 Effective Ways to Deal With Hair Loss in the Winter

4. Rest Well at Night

Stress and anxiety can significantly impair the ability to fall asleep, leading to insomnia and hair loss concerns. Practice sleeping patterns, such as falling asleep and waking up on time, sleeping in a quiet, dark room, filtering out the noise, and keeping devices out of the bedroom to ensure that you receive a decent 7 to 9 hours of sleep each night. Such crucial habits are rewarding and the most effective hair loss treatment.

5. Consult a Doctor

Speak to your doctor if you experience greater hair loss than usual after combing or washing your hair or if it appears spotty or patchy. A reliable hair specialist in Freehold, NJ, can help you start therapy. Such experts support you with a precise diagnosis and customized treatment plan for your case and ensure better results in less time!

How Can Stress Cause Hair Loss?

A hair comb with more than 100 strands is a surefire symptom of hair loss. You will observe hair thinning on the skull with conditions like telogen effluvium and alopecia. These ailments are triggered by prolonged stress and need urgent hair loss treatment to control the spread.

How Long Does Seasonal Hair Shedding Last?

Seasonal hair loss generally occurs in the fall, and shredding lasts within 2-3 months. The hair cycle frequently corresponds with the different seasons of the year. The cool, dry climate causes scalp discomfort, roughness, and itching, all of which contribute to hair loss during the holiday season.

How Can I Stop Seasonal Hair Loss?

You may control hair loss by taking the proper care and eating a healthy diet. Here are some tips for preventing seasonal hair loss and regenerating healthy hair:

  • Nourishing your hair
  • Avoiding  using heating tools
  • Regular hair trimming
  • Controlling the frizz
  • Detangling your hair

Does Seasonal Hair Loss Grow Back?

Seasonal hair loss isn’t a problem if you’ve taken good care of your hair and scalp. With time, hair loss will return to its regular daily levels, and hair growth will proceed.

When to Consult a Hair Specialist for Hair Loss?

The causes of hair loss in men and women are different. Generally, losing up to 100 hair strands per day is considered normal, but any more can be problematic. At such a point, you need medical attention and a diagnosis.

See Also: How Do I Know If My Hair Loss Is Stress-Related?

Treatment Options for Hair Loss

Below are a few result-driven hair loss treatments.

Visit a Well-Known Hair Specialist in Freehold, NJ, for a Quick Cure.

Are You Looking for a Hair Transplant? Get It Today!

The sooner you treat hair loss issues, the better your chances are of successfully growing new hair. If you have considerable hair loss, baldness, or receding hairlines, FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) and FUT (follicular unit transplant) procedures are your best choices.

Revive Your Hair with New Jersey Hair Restoration Center!

We at the New Jersey Hair Restoration Center are familiar with the unique requirements of your hair and can help you resolve the issues with proper medical attention. No matter the cause, we strive to bring back the gloss and hair to your head! Book an appointment with our expert doctor Emil Shakov, and grow your hair back, today!

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